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Woocommerce Teachable Enrollment

How to setup Woocommerce Teachable Enrollment plugin

Let me explain below how can you setup our plugin on woocommerce. Please follow below steps.

Step 1:

Click Add new Plugin form WordPress dashbord menu and after that active our plugin. see below screenshot:

plugin installation

After activate our plugin you will find our teachable settings page from our plugin settings option. check below screenshot:

settings links

As per upper this ( )screenshot you can see three options here.

  1. Teachable API KEY: Insert teachable API KEY in this input field.
  2. Publish Course Only: You can chose here teachable publish course only. if not checked then you publish and drafts courses will display on our Metabox Dropdown list.
  3. Order Status: basically woocommerce has some order status such as ( on-hold, Processing, Pendduing, Complete , darft ). So you can select order status here.
  4. Save Change: Now click on Save change Button.

See below screenshot

Teachable api key

Step 2:

1. Now going to woocommerce prouct section and click add new product menu. see below screenshot

Screenshot 3

2. Click Add new product button and after that, scrroll down your page and after that, you will see Woocommerce to Teachable Metabox there. see below screenshot

Screenshot 4

3. If you given valid Teachable API KEY on our plugin Teabable setting page then here you will see Teachable course list in the Metabox Dorp Down list. like below screenshot

Screenshot 7

4. Now select Teachable Course and publish your product.

Screenshot 8
Screenshot 9 2

That’s It. now your Teachable course intregrate with woocommerce successfully.