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WooCommerce: Rename “Add to Cart” Button if Product Already In Cart

By August 12, 2024No Comments1 min read
product alrady in cart 1

Now a days there are many New WooCommerce Store build up With in Short times and Some of them WooCommerce Store owner might be want to give a message to user Product already in cart do you want to buy more item?

Here I am going to tell you guys how we can do it for wooCommerce Store.
Becasily, We need to change “Add To Cart” Button label For Shop page and
Single product page. For that, we will need to use two filter hooks. One hook for
Shop page and another is Single product page.

Please follow the code snippet below:

PHP Snippet: Rename WooCommerce “Add to Cart” Button if Product Already in Cart

Where To Add Custom Code?

Please add this code to your child theme functions.php file or you can  use any third party code snippet plugin to add this code to your site. 

This code still works, unless you report otherwise. To exclude conflicts, temporarily switch to the Storefront theme, disable all plugins except WooCommerce, and test the snippet again.

So we hope this article will help you to change the “Add To Cart” button label in the Single product  and shop page.

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